Rajasthan GK
The Rajasthan GK category provides essential study material for government exams in Rajasthan, including RPSC, Rajasthan Police, and other state-level exams. It covers topics like Rajasthan Geography, History, Art and Culture, Polity, and General Knowledge. This category offers detailed content to help students understand the key aspects of Rajasthan’s heritage, governance, and current affairs. Additionally, we provide Rajasthan GK notes and short notes for quick revision and easy understanding. The goal is to provide comprehensive and relevant study resources that are specifically tailored to Rajasthan-based competitive exams, ensuring students are well-prepared and equipped to succeed in their exams
प्रजामण्डल आन्दोलन शाब्दिक अर्थ :- प्रजा का मंडल उद्देश्य :- 1. स्वाशासन की मांग । 2. उत्तरदायी शासन / सरकारों की स्थापना । 3. स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में महिलाओं की भागीदारी । 4. शासकों पर सहायक संधि में मिलने की पृष्टभूमि । 5. रियासतों के भारतीय संघ में मिलने की पृष्टभूमि । […]
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